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Botox injections not just for beauty

April 16, 2017 | By | In: Botox Injections, Botulinum toxin-A, chronic pain, injection therapy

Botox best known for keeping those wrinkles away among those forever seeking the fountain of youth. News Alert, Botox injections are now becoming a popular treatment among individuals suffering chronic pain.

Ask Pain Specialist, Dr. Matthew Kalter with Kalter Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Smithtown, NY about Borox injections for pain. Dr. Kalter offers Botox injections to patients suffering from nerve pain and muscle pain. Botox injections reduce muscle pain, offering temporary relief. “The procedure is safe with little to no side effects” endorses Dr. Kalter.

The most common cause of pain in patients was post-traumatic or postsurgical neuropathic pain. Pain predominantly affected the hand, forearm, foot, or ankle.1

Botox For Chronic Neck and Cervical Muscle Pain – Studies show that individuals living with chronic neck and back pain, Botox injections can help. In 2012, a study showed that Botox injections significantly improved pain levels for sufferers of chronic neck pain that happens with cervical dystonia.2

Suffering Severe Neck Spasms (FDA approved) – Even before Botox was approved for frown lines between the eyebrows in 2002, Allergan got approval for the drug in 2000 for its use in treating a disorder called cervical dystonia, which is characterized by abnormal head position and severe neck pain.3

France’s Pauline Ferrand-Prevot may be thanking a very unusual source of inspiration as her reason for being there: Botox. The 24-year-old multidiscipline bicycle racer (Road, cross-country mountain biking and cyclo-cross) is crediting the botox injections as helping her get rid of pain in her sciatic nerve in her hip. She reportedly received injections in June, then two more before she prepared to leave for Rio.4

A painful knee condition that affects more than one in eight active people has been treated effectively with a botulinum toxin injection and physiotherapy.5

In the treatment of lateral epicondylosis (tennis elbow), patients treated with botulinumtoxin showed marked improvement when compared with placebo injections.6 Results are comparable to surgical release.7 The evidence suggests that botulinumis beneficial for treating certain tendinopathies (tendon pain: Tendinitis – acute tendon injury accompanied by inflammation) prior to considering surgery. This is an outpatient procedure and does not impair the individual’s ability to work.

Patients receiving botulinum injections for chronic low back pain have reduced pain and improved range of lumbar movement.8

BOTOX Injections Pain Management - Chronic Pain Control Smithtown

BOTOX Injections Pain Management – Chronic Pain Control Smithtown


  1. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/860783
  2. http://www.citywatchla.com/index.php/jay-bradley/12968-botox-not-just-for-wrinkles
  3. http://time.com/4501839/botox-inection-wrinkles-migraine-depression/
  4. https://www.newbeauty.com/hottopic/blogpost/9735-botox-for-injury/
  5. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160222151846.htm
  6. Edwards SG, Calandruccio JH (2003) ‘Autologous blood injections for refractory lateral epicondylitis’. J Hand Surg [Am];Mar;28(2):272-8.
  7. .Keizer, S, Rutten, HP et al (2003) ‘Botulinum toxin injection versus surgical treatment for tennis elbow: a randomized pilot study’. Clin Orthop Rel Res; 401:125-131.
  8. Subin, B, Saleemi, S et al (2003) ‘Treatment of chronic low back pain by local injection of Botulinum toxin-A. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology; Volume 6 Number 2.
  9. http://www.sportsinjurybulletin.com/archive/injection-therapy#








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