Car accidents happen especially in Long Island, NY. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, seeing the right type of physician, and seeking the right type of treatment immediately is crucial to your recovery. The aches and pains may not appear right away after an accident.
Let’s play out this scenario. You’ve been hurt in an accident. You are transported to the nearest hospital and admitted into the ER for an evaluation. ER doctors & nurses are pretty much only concerned with three main points: Are you alive? Are you bleeding? Do you have any broken bones? Once they’ve checked off all three factors and you passed with flying colors, your good to go. Your prescribed some Ibuprofen with the recommendation that you consult your physician for a more through examination. Just because you were released by the ER doesn’t mean you are not injured.
Once home within 24 hours you start to feel muscle aches, pains & dizziness. Don’t wait. Its time to schedule an appointment with a physician that has a history of treating auto accident victims.
Dr. Matthew Kalter works with patients who have suffered injuries sustained in auto accidents and are looking for pain management treatment and rehabilitation.
Dr. Mathew Kalter will diagnose your condition and then recommend the best treatment and care. Kalter Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation offers pain management care, physical therapy and spine rehabilitation. Amazing healing treatments are available to patients who have been injured in a vehicle accident. Our objective is to restore normal range of motion and strengthen injured tissues.
Treatment at Kalter Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation includes a complete exam and treatment plan, support and coordination of chiropractic care or physical therapy, and in some cases, injection medicine to reduce inflammation and pain, even newly approved medical marijuana for chronic pain.
Dr. Matthew Kalter
Injuries Sustained In car Accident:
Kalter PMR want it’s patients to focus on their immediate recovery rather then the headache of a personal injury claim, attorneys or insurance companies.
We have a pick-up service that will ensure that you get to you physical therapy and rehabilitation session according to schedule. Call now to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kalter: 631-257-1137
“I was seriously injured in a car accident as a passenger. The driver tried avoid another car when in the passing lane, ran off the road and hit a tree at high speed. I sustained broken tibia /fibula (shin bone & calf) and both femurs (thigh bones). I broke my hip, the fingers in my right hand, and I suffered spinal injury where my C2 vertebrate was broken. After multiple surgeries I am now undergoing physical therapy rehabilitation with Dr. Matthew Kalter. I of course have a long way to go but I know I’m in good hands with Dr. Kalter. The recovery is slow but i am physically and mentally seeing brighter days.” Jessica P.
“I was hit by a drunk driver head on on my drivers side at a high speed. The accident left me with a shattered femur, broken hip fractured tibia and fibia. After several surgeries, I remained in the hospital for about a week pumped up with pain killers. I started physical therapy 4 days a week for the next few months. Thanks to Dr. Kalter and staff for their encouragement and compassion I am able to return to work whole again. I am learning to manage my pain and I have been given a second chance at life!” Anthony P